Microbial Physiology and Genomics

Microbial Physiology is a sub-oriented field of microbiology which deals with the study of cell structure of microbes, functioning and metabolic activity of cell as well as in living organisms. Microbial physiology is also concerned with the study of Bacteria, Viruses, Fungal and other parasites.

Microbial Physiology is important in the study of Metabolic Engineering and Genomics. Microbial Genetics also plays an important role when it comes to Microbial Physiology, in the case of microbial genetics two or more viruses individually infect a cell and thereby their genomes recombine with each other producing a virus progeny. Here both DNA and RNA undergo recombination. 

                                Bacteriophages play’s a key role in bacterial genetics and molecular biology, they were defined based on the structure and function of the cell, i.e. is gene structure and gene regulation.

Genomics is also related to biological wastewater treatment, in this treatment process a huge number of genomes of different varieties of cultured microbes are sequences together and this was in research for the past five years and now drifting towards the line of meta-genome sequencing. Meta-genomics gives the complete analysis of microbes and this is in contrast with single gene technique.

When both fields are compared with Genetics, it takes up the term microbial genetics which shares two fields mainly microbiology which is nothing but the study of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, viruses and archaea. Also, microbial genetics is the study of heritable information in microorganisms.

Microbiology Meet 2018 aims to update the current knowledge of Microbiology and its sub-oriented fields in health and disease, to review new methods which have advanced our understanding and to discuss on the potential implications for clinical practices. So, join along with us as a participant or as a presenter on this upcoming “International Conference on Clinical Microbiology, Virology and InfectiousDiseases” during September 10-12, 2018 at Bucharest, Romania.

Do not hesitate to contact us, please do revert us back for any further quires.

Bernice Edison | Program Manager | Microbiology Meet 2018


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